IAPRI 2020 - Online World Conference Now Available
As a packaging professional this provides you with a no travel, lower cost opportunity to learn about what has gone on this past twelve months in the field of packaging research, education, and package testing from world leading experts.
• IAPRI members: $ 300 USD
• Ph.D. / MS students & authorized authors: $ 100 USD
IAPRI web page shows current research projects
IAPRI has a web page to highlight our member’s current research projects. All members are encouraged to let others know about projects that could be of interest to the packaging world.
IAPRI Announces Date and Time of the Annual Membership Meeting via Zoom
The Annual Meeting of the membership would have occurred during the World Conference in June in Monterrey, Mexico. Because of the cancellation of the conference due to the Coronavirus Pandemic the Board of Directors have decided to hold the meeting via a Zoom Meeting.