August 2023 E-Newsletter
International Association of Packaging Research Institutes

Conference Spotlight

Active & Intelligent Packaging: the other type of ‘AI’
As in previous years, this summer’s IAPRI Conference saw several papers dedicated to the area of Active & Intelligent (A&I) packaging, many of them exploring the overlap between these technologies and novel or biobased materials.

2024 World Conference Call for Papers

Click this link: Call for Papers

Research News

ISTA conducting two studies and is seeking samples of damage
Have you experienced the Indian packaging industry and possess field damage samples? Also needed for an ISTA Workgroup is collaboration and samples highlighting load stability field damages.

Hope Your Holiday Travels were Wonderful

Edward Church, IAPRI General Secretary

For everyone who just got back from holidays, IAPRI hopes you had a great time.

My wife and I went on a great cruise with friends around Italy from Rome to Venice, stopping in some wonderful coastal cities. Then one of our son's joined us for several days in Slovenia. When he was in graduate school for his MBA he interned there one summer. Then we returned to Venice and some hot days seeing more of that great city..

Slovenia is absolutely gorgeous with the mountains and little villages. One of the best days was hiking the Vintgar Gorge or Bled Gorge, which is a 1.6-kilometer gorge in northwestern Slovenia. Carved by the Radovna River, It was a loop trail and a 2.5km, mostly up hill, hike back to the start that nearly did me in, but the first part made it all worthwhile.

IAPRI New Look E-Newsletter - August 2023 E-Newsletter