July 2022 E-Newsletter
International Association of Packaging Research Institutes

Comment from IAPRI President

Message from the New IAPRI President, Roland ten Klooster
Packaging is a sustainable solution to transport products, to store them, to be able to use them. Without, product damage and loss would be inevitable. Research is focusing on all these issues and helping to find solutions that are serving society.

IAPRI World Conference

Consumer trends shaping past and future packaging
Between them, two keynote presentations at this summer’s IAPRI Conference in Thailand – from association president Jay Singh and from Randolph Beaudry – provided insights ranging all the way from deepest history to the impacts of the current pandemic on consumer priorities.


New Look and Features to the Member Menu of the IAPRI Website
We have been working to implement some new features and changes to our IAPRI website to improve your experience when you log into the member area of the website.

Research News

Three research grants for Clemson
In the US, multinational packaging company Sonoco has awarded three research grants to professors at Clemson University, where it funds the Sonoco FRESH initiative with its focus on food supply chains.

Member News

Topa designs thermal shipping system for pharmaceuticals
The Topa Institute in the Netherlands has developed and tested a thermal packaging system for palletised loads which, it says, improves bulk pharmaceutical distribution, especially by air.

IAPRI New Look E-Newsletter - July 2022 E-Newsletter