June 2022 E-Newsletter
International Association of Packaging Research Institutes


IAPRI Members Elect New Directors
The membership has elected three new Institutional Director filling the positions of retiring directors; Greg Batt, Silvia Dantas, Maria Josee Galotto and Changfeng Ga after six years of service on the board.

IAPRI Board Elects New Officers for 2022-2025
The Board of Directors has elected Roland ten Klooster from the University of Twente as the new President of IAPRI. Yves Wyser, from Nestle Research Center has been elected as Vice President.

Conference Spotlight

Communities of Practice meet virtually – and in person in Thailand
The IAPRI Community of Practice (CoP) meetings took place in a hybrid format just before the Thai Global Packaging Conference in mid-June, offering a valuable opportunity for participants to clarify their aims, plan future activities, and define areas of co-operation.

Research News

Clear strategies for VTT with cellulose films
VTT in Finland is piloting a regenerated cellulose film with especially good transparency and clarity, potentially capable of replacing conventional plastics films in specific applications, for example where moisture resistance is required.

Member News

Ryerson University is changing it name to Toronto Metropolitan University
The transition to the new name will happen in phases. Some university materials will change immediately, while other initiatives will take more time.

RIT Packaging Department Merger
The Packaging Science and the Graphic Media Science and Technology (GMST) departments at Rochester Institute of Technology will merge, as part of the continuing strategic growth of RIT’s College of Engineering Technology.

IAPRI Awards the Career Start Award to Thomas Goudsblom of the University of Twente
The Career Start Award, sponsored by Dr. S. Paul Singh is a $1,000 award. It provides a packaging researcher, who has not yet participated at a IAPRI Conference, with the incentive to be a first time research paper presenter.

IAPRI New Look E-Newsletter - June 2022 E-Newsletter