IAPRI 2024 World Packaging Conference Awards

IAPRI awards three scientist’s prizes for their presentations at every IAPRI Conference.

One prize is dedicated to the most promising scientific work presented,

  • Most Promising Research            $1,000

 One to the best oral presentation,

  • Best Oral Presentation                  $750

 One to the best poster presentation.

  • Best Poster Presentation             $500

The prizes are announced at the end of the conference.
The judging is done by a group of IAPRI board members in conjunction with the voting results the attendees. In awarding the prizes the IAPRI Board of Directors encourages young researchers by applying higher thresholds for scientists over the age of 40.


"Impact of environmental and mechanical stresses on the permeation properties of barrier paper."

Frédéric Deantoni
Packaging Specialist
Nestlé Institute of Packaging Sciences


"Modeling of Moisture Uptake in Sustainable Blister Packs."

Jan Pech
Pharmacist and PhD Student
University of Dortmund


"Modeling of Moisture Uptake in Sustainable Blister Packs."

Elena Jimenez
Ph.D. candidate
Linköping University

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