Starting in 1960 several European packaging research institutes and one from the United States met every two years to discuss common problems in research and testing. Then in 1969 at a meeting at the Danish Packaging Institute in Copenhagen it was decided to officially form an international body. IAPRI was established in 1971 with seven members as an international membership association to promote packaging research and education. It was headquartered in the United Kingdom as an unincorporated association until in 2017 when the offices were moved to the United States and incorporated as a non-profit 501-(C) (6) association.

Today, IAPRI is a unique global packaging innovation network with 79 members from 29 countries.

The International Association of Packaging Research Institutes supports and advances packaging research and education by facilitating knowledge exchange and collaboration.
IAPRI is a key contributor to the worldwide development of responsible packaging through networking between its academic and industrial members.

Aims: How do we reach our vision 
  • Establish and advance professional and personal relations between associates of packaging research and educational institutions around the world.
  • Enable peer review with respect to methodology, analysis, and potential outcomes at early stages of research projects.
  • Facilitate exchange of anticipated research projects with respect to instrumentation, measurement, analytical techniques, advice on equipment and apparatus, avoiding duplication of work by means of the knowledge exchange between researchers’ participation in IAPRI Communities of Practice and conferences. 
  • Promote the importance of packaging science and technology at the University level to target groups, including international organizations, government bodies, and foundations.
 These aims are supported and enabled by:
  • IAPRI World and Member Conferences, symposia, and other educational events.
  • Our Communities of Practice activities.
  • Collaboration with publishers to facilitate the recognition and publishing of the scientific and scholarly work of our members.
Scientific papers from several of the past IAPRI World Packaging Conferences and Symposiums starting in 2010 and past IAPRI Global Packaging Research Newsletters dating back to December of 2005 are available to members in the File Archives section in the Resources Folder.


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2021 Celebrating 50 Years of Service to the Packaging Research Community